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Qualified Electronic Seal (QES)

EPREL Qualified eSeal

Get the Qualified Electronic Seal your business need to validate in the EPREL-database.

Energy efficiency rating labels

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    Order EPREL-certificate now

    Sets a Qualified Electronic Seal (QES) based on Qualified eSeal certificate (QC eSeal). Installed on certified USB device (QSCD). Valid for 3 yrs. Sent by Post. 
    € 2875,- ex. VAT. Subscriber agreement

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Why do you need a Qualified eSeal for EPREL?

European Product Registry for Energy Labelling (EPREL) requires that all suppliers of energy-related products in Europe must use a Qualified Electronic Seal to sign a self-declaration form in order to obtain status as a verified supplier in the EPREL database

What is Qualified Electronic Seal?

A Qualified eSeal is the highest level of signature/sealing of a PDF document on behalf of a business. This requires:

  • Qualified certificate for electronic seal issued to your business (QC eSeal)
  • Certificate and cryptographic keys must be stored on a certified hardware device, (QSCD)

Both parts are required in order to produce a valid signature with qualified seals, and both the certificate and the QSCD must origin from the same qualified provider.


Buypass supplies the necessary certificate on a USB-based device (QSCD), which is certified to produce a Qualified Electronic Seal.

Buypass is a Qualified Trust Service Provider (QTSP) listed in the EU Trusted List of Trust Service Providers.

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